1. No Cancellation Requests after Booking:
  • Once a package is created and the booking amount is paid, no cancellation requests will be entertained. Please ensure all details are accurate before confirming your booking.
  1. Vendor-initiated Cancellations:
  • In the event that the vendor cancels the booked package, you will receive a 100% refund of the booking amount. We prioritize your satisfaction and will address any unforeseen circumstances promptly.
  1. Customer-initiated Cancellations:
  • You have the flexibility to cancel your party at any time; however, please be aware that the booking amount and any subsequent payments made are non-refundable. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
  1. Utilization of Amounts:
  • Any amount spent on our platform can be utilized for booking a party at any other outlet. This is, of course, subject to availability. Ensure that the date and timing specified align with the chosen outlet. We strive to provide alternative options to make your celebration memorable.

Note: We recommend reviewing all details carefully before finalizing your booking. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding of our policies, which are designed to enhance your overall experience with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team.